We sometimes get a pleasant surprise when someone sends us pictures of their old filter press. The pics of these William Boulton filter presses are no exception. It is our understanding that this pair is still used daily and are operated at a filtration pressure of 16 bar for the processing of clay. The name plates show these to be manufactured in 1969 and 1978. The fact that they are still in use forty something years later is a testament to the solid construction, durability, and simplicity of these filter press. The New Zealand owner of the presses shown contacted us to see if we could assist him with parts for his filter presses and Willett sludge pumps.


I (Charlie) visited the William Boulton factory in February 1978 when they were making the hydraulic power units for Willett Pumps. The plant was so old even then that me, a young kid at 26 thought it was from the Paleozoic era. It was there that I met Richard Walton, sales manager of Willett Pumps and Alan Turner, work manager of Boulton. (Alan Turner later moved to Pittsburgh to become sales manager of Abel Pump USA.)


William Boulton Ltd


William Boulton Filter Press


William Boulton Ltd Name Plate